The Way of Truth

I have been thinking about Truth since my last post. Some say that “truth is what you experience, that truth is personal. You cannot follow someone else’s truth.” But that limits truth to experience, when truth, at least for me, is not based on experience or based on physicality.

Perhaps I am reaching too high, but I like to believe that truth lies within our higher consciousness. That it is not ‘down here’ where we are – there is only relative truth, not Truth as in, the way it really is – which we know nothing about.  Our minds have yet to comprehend the workings of the Universe (if there really is just a universe). Science has barely broken this ground, it is still the final frontier, or at least, next-to-final. Consciousness, not personal or human consciousness, but true Consciousness that flows within all living things – that is “us” – that is where Truth lies.

How do you get there?

You be still. Be quiet. Empty your mind. This works best for me outside. I hear birds chirping and trees swaying with the wind instead of the constant humming of electronics. I let go of the to-do lists and plans. I breathe deeply and purposefully, while basking in the beauty that surrounds me. Sometimes, I weed my garden barefoot to not only feel the lush grass, but the damp, fertile soil – the womb of life that is nurtured by the sun. The Sun, who spreads seed upon the earth via wind and follows with the rain to set it. There is beauty and wonder all around us. We are blessed to have been chosen to leave the realm of Higher Consciousness to witness the miraculous cycle of life. However, finding truth in the miracle of life is relative. Even the plants must overcome obstacles to stay alive: nutrients, rain, temperature. Some plants may see life as drudgery, as some humans do.

But it is not purposeless and that is Truth. The plant has a purpose and knows not why it is here – but we do. We appreciate the plants and the role they play to keep our human bodies alive. The human has a purpose and knows not why it is here – but something does. Perhaps the Whole of Consciousness knows why we are here. We will return, one day, and find out. And when we continue this cycle, we will, once again, be human. We will, once again, be sent to find our way back to Truth. And as each subsequent cycle continues to expand our knowledge and our connection to the Whole, eventually, we will figure it all out. Then, we will complete a much larger cycle and therein, know the Whole Truth.